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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Look Ma ---No eyebrows!

Do try this at home.......

Ok it may not make you into a Lara Stone......but it is TOTALLY modern looking (chalk another one up for Carine R.) ---great for all hair colors. Alien sex appeal. Very futuristic. A trademark look for the 2010's??? Especially wicked cool with black eye-make up.

I suggest Sally Hansen facial bleach. Be careful around your eyes. Follow the directions, natch.

Lookout Planet Earth! (photo's from, Calvin Klein and Vogue Paris)

Something knocked me out' the trees

''Cover me, darling please
Hey hey hey,
Monkey, monkey, monkey
Don't you know when you're going to shock the monkey
hey hey
Fox the fox
Rat on the rat
You can ape the ape
I know about that
There is one thing you must be sure of
I can't take any more
Darling, don't you monkey with the monkey
hey hey hey,
Monkey, monkey, monkey
Don't you know you're going to shock the monkey
hey hey
shock the monkey''
by Peter Gabriel (natch)
This reminds me totally of what Margiela has done with hair/wig clothing and I'm inspired to do my own rendition (since I have not access to either physically or financially the originals.) I've ordered two black wigs from Ebay (totally Angelina Jolie in ''Salt''). I'll add the black wig photos shortly. I will attach them to a plain black silk T. You will drool
with envy when you see it! I assure you! Stay tuned.



Frickin gorgeous! And unaffordable! Can the last ones be a DIY??? Perhaps with silk T's from Wintersilks ( as a base with plastic or glass beads sewn under the T? Additional silk T's to make the loose coiled and dangling pieces?